We creators of all types whether painter, poet, photographer, sculptor, writer, etc …are known to thrive on our passion without food, drink or sleep for immeasurable periods of time. We seem to exist normally among reality, only to disappear off into our creative zone and eventually reemerge from the creative zone back to reality with no regard for the amount of time that has passed. This missing time is well known and perfectly acceptable among artists and creators of all types. Why? It’s because we have learned to create and enter upon demand an altered state of reality I will call the “Creative Vortex.”
For novelists it’s usually a lake cabin, for musicians it’s a music studio and so on. Me, I went into my artistic zone the other day, also known as my art room…the usual place I go to enter into this creative vortex of mine. I decided this time to bring my camera along for the duration. Perhaps I’ll capture something interesting within this time lapse, something that might normally have passed me by. Well I’m glad I followed my instincts because that’s just what I did and I also brought back proof that this creative vortex is not just a state of mind but seriously exists and this is how my story goes…
I woke up and enjoyed some fresh dark roasted coffee, showered, got dressed for the day and I am on my way. I paused just long enough to top-off my coffee cup while I begin to focus my attention towards creativity. I walk over to my art desk not yet knowing what to do or where to start. As I review over my artwork, pretty soon the creative juices start flowing through my veins and my artist takes over. One thing leads to another…I should do this, I should do that, I should do these… as I jump full force into my passion.
Eventually the need to take a break from my work becomes inevitable as I look out my window and noticed the daylight had turned to dark. I was shocked, for what seemed to be a short shift in time suddenly turned into a half of day. I stepped out from my creative zone while repeating the mantra “this is only a quick break, this is only a quick break.” Letting God know, the Keeper of the Creative Vortex, that I have every intention of stepping back into my creative zone and simply picking-up from where I left off.
This very thought is about the same for every type of artist and creator. Somehow instinctively inside, you know that once you step out of the Creative Vortex, you run a risk of NOT being able to get back into your prior creative groove…and the worst case scenario is not getting back into the groove at all, thus having to hang it up for the rest of day. This dread of falling out of the Creative Vortex is exactly why creators disappear for extended periods of time. While in the Creative Vortex, we simply procrastinate our return to reality for as long as we possibly can, even when it comes to the necessities of life. Figuring, I can eat later, I can grab another drink later, I can catch-up on some sleep later, as not to disturb the creative force within this vortex by taking too many risks of falling out of the zone.
While I broke from my passions work, I walked out the door into the other room as I curiously passed by the computer to see what time it is. I think to myself, it’s dark out already? How many hours have passed? Could 12 hours have passed? Time for a Reality Check! Well there was no reality to check… for I got exactly what in my mantra I wished for... And how do I know this is true? YES, the photo, the proof!!!

Notice what is says in the top left corner of my computer/tv screen, instead of the date and time appearing as usual, it says: “No Time Information!” See now that’s hardcore proof and it’s confirmed! It’s just like I said in my Mantra. I’m not quite in the Creative Vortex nor am I in the rational world, I am sort of in between altered states where no thing as space and time exists. It’s just as I described in origin…
We creators of all types whether painter, poet, photographer, sculptor, writer, etc …are known to thrive on our passion without food, drink or sleep for immeasurable periods of time. We seem to exist normally among reality, only to disappear off into our creative zone and eventually reemerge from the creative zone back to reality with no regard for the amount of time that has passed. This missing time is well known and perfectly acceptable among artists and creators of all types. Why? It’s because we have learned to create and enter upon demand an altered state of reality I will call the “Creative Vortex” only this time God allowed me to prove it with this “No Time Information” photo!
To Me, that’s just another Surreal Reality X-Files Mystery Solved!
Until Next Time...