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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

W.I.P. - What are you working on?

Today I was asked those two familiar questions... How are you doing? What are you working on? Well anyone that knows how passionate I am about my art, knows I am always working on some type of painting, idea, sketch, technique or combination thereof. 
I thought to myself, that was a pretty safe question for them to ask. I *giggled* Then I thought, What a Super Cool Idea!"
To post a random photo of my current Work in Progress (W.I.P.) at whatever given interval/stage the painting may be at. This way my online readers don’t have to stop by my house and ask to see what I am working on, nor has to wait until its complete in order to see it posted.
 I think it’ll be kind of fun to share my art in this way. I think I'll make this a regular random occurrence! LOL 

It was Napoleon Bonaparte who best said, a picture is worth a thousand words. This is my newest DaVinci Series creation! I hope it speaks a thousand words to you! Enjoy!

My heart and prayers go out to those in Aurora, Colorado!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2012 Conference & Exceptional People

Through my passion, I aim to touch people’s hearts, mind and soul in the way that I best know how, through my artwork. And furthermore for me, it is a remarkably beautiful day to connect with a person whom not only feels this same way, but also extends these things out and into the world as well.

In support of such an exceptional event and such an exceptional person as Robert, I must recommend to you “The Conscious Life Expo” along with his other exceptional events such as the upcoming “2012 Conference.”

I recommend you visit his webpage and see for yourself the events and exceptional speakers that he offers to the world as well as adding your email to his mailing list to keep up-to-date on such extraordinary events! I hope to see you there!

In respect to those exceptional people of the world and in the want to be an ongoing participant of exceptionality, I will say this…

    Exceptional people “live” their life, while extending themselves in the ways they can, to the people, places and in times that they can. They are products of learning and making wiser choices. They see through the inevitable times of difficulty while looking beyond the problem to see the solution. They invest their own time and energy on a better future for themselves and everyone. They are driven by consistent determination. They walk the walk and do not just talk the talk!  Kudos to You!

On a side note: I’ve so much to talk about that I am going to have to start scheduling a specific day & time to update my blog. However out of everything I could have said, this was such a remarkable event, I felt the desire to share and express it. 

Now forward on, with your exceptional selves!